Our Network

Through a strong Network of Child First affiliate agencies, the Child First intervention fills a gap in the service continuum for the most vulnerable children and families. An innovative service model that began locally in Bridgeport, Connecticut has grown to over 15 sites statewide in Connecticut, with additional Child First now being replicated nationally. The Child First model has become an integral component of early childhood systems of care at the local, state, and national level. 

Through collaborative efforts, the National Program Office in Connecticut partners with State or Regional Lead Organizations and State Networks of local affiliates agencies to ensure that implementation of the Child First model occurs with fidelity.  The Child First Network of agencies possess an infrastructure of personnel and community connectedness that enables the delivery of comprehensive services to high need families.  The Network also partners with the National Program Office to strategize and implement plans to sustain services within identified communities, through the development of a diverse revenue structure, including but not limited to, philanthropic partners, federal, state, and local grants and contracts, and private donations.



Child First works with a state or regional champion and a collaboration of stakeholders to identify a State/County Lead Organization, select affiliate agencies with the capacity to successfully implement the Child First model, and develop a financing plan for start-up and sustainability.

A System of Care Approach

A System of Care Approach

Child First respects the culture and services that have developed within any state or locality. It is unique in meeting the needs of the most vulnerable young children and families, but always operates as a collaborative partner within a broad comprehensive system. As such, state, regional, and/or local Advisory Boards are an essential component of the model.



Structure of the Network

Structure of the Network

The Child First National Program Office and its Board of Directors oversee the national Child First Network. Child First, Inc. has developed a framework for replication of the Child First model. Each replication state has a State Child First Office which directly oversees the process of training, implementation, and model fidelity.

Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure Development

In order to insure capacity for efficient and effective replication, the Child First National Program Office has developed a new Distance Learning Curriculum, a Child First specific Electronic Health Record, and a rigorous Fidelity Framework, accompanied by strong technical assistance and clinical consultation.

Financial Infrastructure

Financial Infrastructure

Child First sustains our services through a blending of multiple funding streams, including federal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) and other federal grants, state agency contracts and grants, and national, state, and local philanthropy. We anticipate Medicaid approval shortly and are working toward Pay for Success (Social Impact Bonds) contracts.